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A concurrent statement which describes behaviour. A process is itself a concurrent statement, but it contains sequential statements that execute in series from top to bottom. A process executes at times controlled by the sensitivity list or by wait statements.


  [Label:] [postponed] process [ (SensitivityList) ] [is]
  end [postponed] process [Label];

  SensitivityList = SignalName, ...


entity-begin--end {passive process} architecture-begin--end block-begin--end generate-begin--end


A process must contain either a sensitivity list or wait statements, but not both. Every process executes once during initialization, before simulation starts. A postponed process is not executed until the final simulation cycle of a particular simulation time, and thus sees the stable values of signals and variables.

Things to remember

A process with neither a sensitivity list nor a wait will loop forever.


Processes are one of the most useful VHDL statements for synthesis, yet many processes are unsynthesizable. For best results, code should be restricted to the following process templates: process (Inputs) -- All inputs in sensitivity list begin ... -- Outputs assigned for all input conditions ... -- No feedback end process; -- Gives pure combinational logic process (Inputs) -- All inputs in sensitivity list begin if Enable = '1' then ... -- Latched actions end if; end process; -- Gives transparent latches + logic process (Clock) -- Clock only in sensitivity list begin if Rising_edge(Clock) then -- Test clock edge only ... -- Synchronous actions end if; end process; -- Gives flipflops + logic process (Clock, Reset) -- Clock and reset only in sensitivity list begin if Reset = '0' then -- Test active level of asynchronous reset ... -- Asynchronous actions elsif Rising_edge(Clock) then -- Test clock edge only ... -- Synchronous actions end if; end process; -- Gives flipflops + logic process -- No sensitivity list begin wait until Rising_edge(Clock); ... -- Synchronous actions end process; -- Gives flipflops + logic


 The following example shows a Register Transfer Level process:
 Counter: process (Reset, Clock)
   if Reset = '0' then                     -- Asynchronous reset
     Count <= (others => '0');
   elsif Rising_edge(Clock) then
     if Load = '0' then                    -- Synchronous load
       Count <= Data;
       Count <= Count + '1';
     end if;
   end if;
 end process Counter;

  The following example shows processes used to generate vectors in a test
  signal StopClock: Boolean;
  signal Clk: Std_logic;
  constant Period: Time := 10 NS;
  subtype Int8 is Std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
  signal A, B: Int8;
  type Operation is (Load, Store, Move, Halt);
  signal Op: Operation;
  ClockGenerator: process
    while not StopClock loop
      Clk <= '0';
      wait for Period/2;
      Clk <= '1';
      wait for Period/2;
    end loop;
  end process ClockGenerator;

  Stimulus: process
    type Table is array (Natural range <>) of Int8;
    constant Lookup: Table :=
      ("00000000", "00000001", "00000011", "00001000", 
       "00001111", "10000000", "11111000", "11111111");
    for L in 1 to 2 loop
      for I in Lookup'Range loop
        B <= Lookup(I);
        for J in Lookup'Range loop
          A <= Lookup(J);
          for K in Operation loop
            Op <= K;
            wait for Period;
          end loop;
        end loop;
      end loop;
      StopClock <= True; -- Flag to stop clock generator process
    end loop;
  end process Stimulus;

See Also

Concurrent Statement, Sequential Statement, Wait